So this Saturday I broke things off with the Diamond Back. He was so nervous about everything.. the "your my friends little sister" factor that I thought we had both gotten over already, the fact that he liked me and I was moving, yet somehow at the same time he felt he was distancing himself too much..? I decided that HOLY COW. He was just all over the place, and to be perfectly honest it just got a little annoying. So I ended it the same way I take off band aids, quick.
I think its for the best really and I feel really good about it.
That night I went out and had a blast! I went out with some guy friends of mine and headed to The Tavern in Tempe. ASU had just won their game (woot woot!) and the downtown area was PACKED with people in the game time attire... except for me.. as I was clueless to the game that night (oops!)
My hand always looks weird in these shots.. am I the only one that feels that way?? lol
I danced, I met new people, I caught up with old friends, even an ex boyfriend of mine {we'll call him Herman} who I hadn't seen in years! It was so good seeing Herman again and we were super friendly the entire night. It was really nice to be able to hang out as friends again.
Anyways (get to the point right?!) I met the cutest guy waiting in line at the bar. We shall call him SacTown {where he hails from} and he asked for my number, to which I obliged ;) He texted me the next day and called me last night... Unfortunately for him I was having the best conversations with my sister MGrace who was filling me in on one of HER fab-U-lous nights in Hollywood at Melanie Griffiths' and Antonio Banderess' house. Yeah.. my sister had a fun night. So it's just phone tag now, but it's still something new to smile at when I glance down at my phone!
Yesterday I headed to the Library and checked out "Dickinson" a Pocket Book of Poems. I have made a goal to read at least five each night, and to give each line and word considerable thought, and let my mind wander with it's imagination.
I've taken to reading them outside, on long walks, or on breaks at work.. yes I'm bringing this little pocket of poems with me everywhere!
Today is lovely outside... just lovely. It demands a picnic. Crisp blankets, a warm sun, and cool breezes in the shade. I day dream of how or when and where she must have written the poems I am reading, and like to picture her stream side, in a heavy dress, hair up, and hands slightly dirty from ink and the ground around her...
Today I am head over heels for:
The Martyr Poets -- did not tell --
But wrought their Pang in syllable --
That when their mortal name be numb --
Their mortal fate -- encourage Some --
The Martyr Painters -- never spoke --
Bequeathing -- rather -- to their Work --
That when their conscious fingers cease --
Some seek in Art -- the Art of Peace --
Speaking of which I still need to start packing.. and start in on my Halloween Costume... bird hands anyone?
and so I leave you with one final image...
Panda Jazz Hands
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