mmmmmk. First thing I looked at this morning was a post from
Style me Pretty. This wedding was so pretty, and so feminine it had me wanting to host a tea party! Pinkies up everybody!
These are a few different aspects I'd want setting the tone of said party...
Ok truth be told the little lepercaun that lives in my heart {and the hearts of all Irish people} did an honest toe tapin' dance at the sight of this table card.
I love all her lace, and the green entry here. Very classic and almost Victorian looking.. pretty :)
Ok this Tuesday marks the First of my New Tuesday Posts "Shut The Front Door!" otherwise known as Tuesday Truth Day. I had this idea yesterday when I received good news, and wanted to shout it from the roof tops, when I realized my blog was just as good (also I am afraid of heights)
(photo of me taken by wonderfully talented and oh so loved Storey of About Face Photography. It's an oldie but a goodie!)
I started my blog as a place to vent, and sort out the thoughts that swirl around my noggin. I have since been slightly off track with posts like the one above. As much as I love to share in the delights over pretty tea cups, I also see the potential of being honest and sharing what is going on with me in a real way to connect and maybe help a reader, or passer by.
**This isn't a confessional, I have
LouLou for that ;) and although I still hold true to answering any and I am pretty certain, all questions my readers send to me in an email or post... it isn't necessarily for that purpose either..**
I digress....
My happy news starts out not so happy...
About a year ago I was diagnosed with HPV. Several strands, all of which my doctor described as being, "aggressive in causing cancerous cells". I was saddened, naturally by so many aspects of this: One, the fact that I was extremely careful. One might even say to the point of obsessive on how I conducted my "business" if you will with my one, only and first partner. I forgave {not so easily} and moved forward.
What was my next step?
Here are a few fun facts my doctor told me:
1.Smoking will increase your chances of getting cancer by 100%
YEAH so the pack I had in my purse promptly landed in her trash the millisecond that came out of her mouth.
2. There are ways of having your bodys' immune system fighting it off. However, there is no "cure" in that I can't take a pill and have it go away over a course of time. Only by simply doing things and leading a life that would support and
boost my immune system. (You can see ask your doctor if the shot is right for you [I sound like an commercial right now lol] although it has many side effects on its own)3. 1 in 3 people have some strand, and its growing each day.
4. Some people have it in "spurts" if you will, and then it goes away all its own.. such as only during a pregnancy, or short time in your life, which was confirmed by some people I know.
From the time I was diagnosed,to my next check up it moved quickly in my system putting me at a higher risk of cervical cancer. I needed to have a
Leep Procedure as soon as possible.
I did everything I could. I drank certain teas, ate buckets of ginger, took Vitamin C and Echinacea daily, quiet smoking, changed my diet, worked out, get more sleep, and so on to help my body put this to rest, and have the new cells grown back healthy and new :) I did guided imagery meditations "see the health with in.. be the health with in.." and so on.
Which is why I was deeply saddened when I went in a year later for an exam and found that not only had it not worked, but I was in exactly the same stage as before. Boo.
After many tearful calls to friends, and a few comforting "head on lap while she plays with my hair" talks with my mom I decided to simply stop stressing about it, and start being thankful. I have so much to be thankful for. Yes, this was upsetting, and yes it is something I'll need to monitor, but I have a smart doctor who is well on the ball, and found ways to have me laughing again by the time I left the office. She told me that if my text test showed the same thing {no change-it was still "aggressive"} I would need another procedure.
Fast forward to my last appointment in September 2010. They gave me a card to call the lab myself to get the results, but I haven't been able to gussy up the courage to call and find out.... until yesterday.
Peeps it came back normal! YAY I am so flippin happy I can't contain it :)
Hence, what I told the nurse out of excitment when I found out, "Shut. The. Front.Door" (I don't like to swear at anyone over the phone, even if it is out of happiness lol)
Alllll that being said, any questions you may have about this post feel free to contact me ;)