Thursday, December 30, 2010

So Long

This is my very last post of the year 2010! I am trying to pump myself up for my trip to Las Vegas tonight since last night I began to have a sinus headach..which resulted in a Sudafed comma this morning. Ugh. 

 BUT it did SNOW in Mesa, Az today at work which was a fun ten minutes lol. The snow didn't hardly stick but this is pretty much unheard of here where I live. And so it is the topic of the afternoon...
I got this image from where you can read all about the blizzard up north and the snow fall here in the valley.


This weekend starts the new year. I can't believe it.. it happened sooooo fast.
2009 was a poor year for me. in all meanings of the word lol. I became so financially tight I did my dishes, showers, and even reading by candle light for several months towards the end.
Luckily I am no longer in this position (phew!)
I decided that the year 2010 would be the year I didn't put myself last, and that I would take trips to celebrate my "me-ness" to different places that were either new, or top ten favorit places lol 

So far this year I think I did a pretty good job with that:
Jan-Feb:    Took several "get lost" drives around the valley and discovered so many awesome places in Az
March:      Hike/ run to the top of a mountain I have been eyeballing for a long time now outside of town... don't know its name.
April-May: New Orleans Jazz Festival
June:      Corpus Christi, Texas
July:       Rocky Point, Mexico
August:  My Grandparents house San Marcos, Ca
Sept:      Hollywood, Ca
Dec:       Chico, California

I enjoyed each trip immensely, and wouldn't change any of them for anything. But somewhere down the line my trips began to be about other people. Yes, I wanted to go visit go see, go on little adventures.. but I began to make my trips around others. I LOVE these .. "others" to death. But it took away that little celebratory spirit I started out with and has left me feeling a little lifeless...

THIS YEAR! I am going to go easy on myself, and start to really take the time.. the energy and practice in becoming this person I see myself as who I really am, and who I can be. I feel so guilty sometimes for thinking I need to be this "do it all" person.. and when I can't freaking do it all.. I feel horrible. This year is the year of thoughtfull planning, saving, preparing.
Because this year...  year 2011...  I am going to moving to New York City!

What are your plans for this New Year??

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shut the Front Door!

mmmmmk. First thing I looked at this morning was a post from Style me Pretty. This wedding was so pretty, and so feminine it had me wanting to host a tea party! Pinkies up everybody!
These are a few different aspects I'd want setting the tone of said party...

Ok truth be told the little lepercaun that lives in my heart {and the hearts of all Irish people} did an honest toe tapin' dance at the sight of this table card.

I love all her lace, and the green entry here. Very classic and almost Victorian looking.. pretty :)


Ok this Tuesday marks the First of my New Tuesday Posts "Shut The Front Door!" otherwise known as Tuesday Truth Day. I had this idea yesterday when I received good news, and wanted to shout it from the roof tops, when I realized my blog was just as good (also I am afraid of heights)

(photo of me taken by wonderfully talented and oh so loved Storey of About Face Photography. It's an oldie but a goodie!)

I started my blog as a place to vent, and sort out the thoughts that swirl around my noggin. I have since been slightly off track with posts like the one above. As much as I love to share in the delights over pretty tea cups, I also see the potential of being honest and sharing what is going on with me in a real way to connect and maybe help a reader, or passer by.
**This isn't a confessional, I have LouLou for that ;) and although I still hold true to answering any and I am pretty certain, all questions my readers send to me in an email or post... it isn't necessarily for that purpose either..**
I digress....

My happy news starts out not so happy...
About a year ago I was diagnosed with HPV. Several strands, all of which my doctor described as being, "aggressive in causing cancerous cells". I was saddened, naturally by so many aspects of this: One, the fact that I was extremely careful. One might even say to the point of obsessive on how I conducted my "business" if you will with my one, only and first partner. I forgave {not so easily} and moved forward.

What was my next step?

Here are a few fun facts my doctor told me:
1.Smoking will increase your chances of getting cancer by 100%
 YEAH so the pack I had in my purse promptly landed in her trash the millisecond that came out of her mouth.
2. There are ways of having your bodys' immune system fighting it off. However, there is no "cure" in that I can't take a pill and have it go away over a course of time. Only by simply doing things and leading a life that would support and boost my immune system. (You can see ask your doctor if the shot is right for you [I sound like an commercial right now lol] although it has many side effects on its own)
3. 1 in 3 people have some strand, and its growing each day.
4. Some people have it in "spurts" if you will, and then it goes away all its own.. such as only during a pregnancy, or short time in your life, which was confirmed by some people I know.

From the time I was diagnosed,to my next check up it moved quickly in my system putting me at a higher risk of cervical cancer. I needed to have a Leep Procedure as soon as possible.

I did everything I could. I drank certain teas, ate buckets of ginger, took Vitamin C and Echinacea daily, quiet smoking, changed my diet, worked out, get more sleep, and so on to help my body put this to rest, and have the new cells grown back healthy and new :) I did guided imagery meditations "see the health with in.. be the health with in.." and so on.

Which is why I was deeply saddened when I went in a year later for an exam and found that not only had it not worked, but I was in exactly the same stage as before. Boo.

After many tearful calls to friends, and a few comforting "head on lap while she plays with my hair" talks with my mom I decided to simply stop stressing about it, and start being thankful. I have so much to be thankful for. Yes, this was upsetting, and yes it is something I'll need to monitor, but I have a smart doctor who is well on the ball, and found ways to have me laughing again by the time I left the office. She told me that if my text test showed the same thing {no change-it was still "aggressive"} I would need another procedure.

Fast forward to my last appointment in September 2010. They gave me a card to call the lab myself to get the results, but I haven't been able to gussy up the courage to call and find out.... until yesterday.
Peeps it came back normal! YAY I am so flippin happy I can't contain it :)
Hence, what I told the nurse out of excitment when I found out, "Shut. The. Front.Door" (I don't like to swear at anyone over the phone, even if it is out of happiness lol)

Alllll that being said, any questions you may have about this post feel free to contact me ;)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Food for the New Year

Good Monday Morning everyone!
I am annoyingly awake, alert, and happy this morning! Something I am usually not. I know I can attribute this to eating healthier (yes even through the Holiday season!) and working out more. I know I know. No one wants to hear it. I have been searching for a little pill or drink that will magically transform my body and energy level. But the tryed and true way is always the best. Eat better, work out more.

 Let me be perfectly clear! For me the average day went something like this:
Breakfast: Nothing or a feast on office snacks like cookies, bread, or taffy
Lunch: fast food.. something along the lines of french fries and a soda
More snacking through out the day on office junk..
Dinner: either a giant burrito or ice cream (for real folks)
I'd kick of my shoes,  wash my face, shower, and settle in for the night with a Netflix and then have trouble falling asleep. I was lucky if I closed my eyes around midnight each night.

So it shouldn't be a shock when a yawning, grumbling version of myself showed up to work each day.
So far in just the past mmm two weeks or so I have been eating better, and either going to a spin class (which HELLO I love!- my butt bones do not!) or taking a jog/walk down to the park and back before I shower and settle in for the night. I have been reading more before bed and less movies, and turning out the lights closer to 9:30pm!!
So there you have it. Eat less junk. Eat more veggies. Feed the mind. Then rest it!

Yahoo has posted an article on Food for The New Year!
I loved most of it! the No Meat Mondays and Tofu Thursday caught my eye, along with Koean Cuisine and Sweet Potatos

Which leads me tooooo...
                                           ...the recipe for veggies I absolutely LOVE! I learned this from my mom so you know it's a goodie ;)

Prep Time: 20min
Cook Time: 20 min
Preheat oven to 425*

1 Sweet Potatos or Yams (not canned! Common now)
1 bunch of espargoss
1 bunch of broccolli
1 bag of green beans
1 bunch of green onions
3 Tablespoons Extra virgin Olive Oil

Wash the veggies. Trim off ends and cut down to size easy for munching on. Place the mixed veggies into a bag with the EVOO and shake it about. Spray a cookie sheet or cake pan and spread the veggies out evenly. Salt and Pepper generously. Place on middle rack in oven. Pull out and flip veggies after first ten min and so on until timer chimes. If they are still simmering you can cover to pan with tinfoil to lock in the steam and make them even more yummie! Otherwise serve up warm and enjoy!

Here you can find the benefits of Spin Classes which I found off the LiveStrong website.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


mmm, I am so in love with peppermint taffy today! Courtesy of a patient I now have a giant bag to feed upon!
I have New Years plans to go to Vegas with some old friends and I can not wait! 3 nights, the strip, friends, yay! Howevere, I desperatly have been tring to kick five pounds and this is just the motivation i needed!

I am now on the prowl for a good Vegas dress to wear for New Years... Suggestions? Cuuuuz I really need your help. Naturally I am thinking silver and sparkle.. but beyong that NO clue! Also, on the cheaper end of things...

Here are ones I found picking over Forever 21, Arden B, and VS..

thoughts? HELP

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hide and Seek

No, I am not talking the Imogen Heap song. Even though it's bomb. I am talking real. full on. count till ten. (try to ignore the giggles coming from the lumpy covers on the bed...)

This weekend was full of it. Games with my adorable nephew (see below) and the very adult, not so mature, version of the game: When someone of a certain 24 years of age is visiting a town she can't really handle, (or majority of the people in it) finds herself face to face with those girls from high school she used to pal around with and decides "nope..hommie don't play that" and turns about face, and walks right back out!

Yes ladies and gents (are gents reading?) I blatantly dodged fellow alumni in the downtown Starbucks. Yikes.

ugh. Self confirmations : "I am an adult, I will act like one. I am an adult, I should act like one. I am an adult. I'll do what I want.." - ..umm.  I was never good at those...


A bomb friend of mine has been a volunteer for some time now, and I have gone with a few times to help and enjoy the kittens. But as much as I admire her for being able to dedicate her self to the furry cause.. I know it sounds lame and oh so selfish..... But I wake up early. And I like to sleep in on the weekends. And watch movies. And spend time with friends. These things make me feel good too!

But while staying with my brother and his family we got into some deep talks (as we almost ALWAYS do) We started to talk about the movie "Pursuit of Happiness" with one hot William Smith.
We talked about how no matter how bad you feel you've got it.. it could be worst..sooo much worst.
Jobless, homeless, abandoned, forgotten, avoided...
I am none of these things.
I tend to get wrapped up in what I am "needing". An abundance of snack foods, weight to shed, time with friends, time with family, tops, shoes, make up..(LORDY the make up!) you name it, I have been finding a need for it.
 No More!
Yes, I still want to spend time with friends and family, get healthy and have amazing eye shadow when I do.. but it isn't a need.

So I have decided to go online to a site called I read about it in a Self magazine at lunch and found it super easy to search for places to volunteer my time.

I have emailed several places varying from homeless shelters, animals shelters, and children outreach programs for those in Foster Care.

I feel better already, and can't wait to report which I'll be taking on as the year comes to a close, and a new one starts.

HIZAH! I need not.

Do you have a good volunteer site?

Friday, December 17, 2010


Yesterday after a stellar lunch with a close friend, shall I say soul mate, and visit to her wonderful home I played in the park! I stopped by my old high school to say "sup" but found I wasn't super crazy about being there again lol. So I snapped these as proof and bailed:

The Bidwell Mansion is right down the pink:

Chico has a beautiful park that runs through it, Bidwell Park. Its' claim to fame is that scenes from the original Robin Hood were filmed there. Its endless little trails into thick vines, or to the creeks edge are everywhere. You can drive through parts of it, but I decided to park it and take a walk.

 The walk shortly became a jog in my weather/park inappropriate clothing, and iPhone. I couldn't help but to run down the paths, get a little muddy, and lay on trees that had fallen and rested over the creek while my Pandora blasted from shore...

Laying on a fallen tree, looking up, listening to : A Fine Frenzy "come on, come out"

The creek is filtered more or less of fish, and made into a sort of pool for the city where they hold the Polar Bear swim each year (p to the s that my bas ass sister in law tots did this year!)

As the day came to a close I realized that as much fun, and relaxing time I had in this park.. I didn't need to be here in it the way some of my family do. I understand their need for it, but as I looked around at the tree line I thought..."in NY...I'd be able to see the sky scrapers just through there.."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Good Morning Mist

Luckily I am like one of those collapsible hair brushes you can buy for a dollar, and on planes I just fold right up into a neat little ball and sleep away. However, I like to keep track of funny random things I hear on planes. This trip has a clear winner, the fellow who sat in my row who exclaimed on his phone (to whom I hope was family or close friend at best) "Nah dude I ran out of soap they day I left, The DAY I left!!". YAY and you'll be sitting here next to me? lol

Yes, last night I took one fast ride, two planes, and another car ride to arrive in the home of honorary family members "Em" and "Elle", who my mother is currently staying with. Their home is in the country. A country I some what became familiar with when I lived here in northern Cali. Lets just say I wasn't on a first name basis with this country. 

Their home was warm and welcoming with a fire place and bed made up with warm blankets and family pillows from my moms room. I took a steaming hot shower to bring my freezing toes, fingers and nose back to life, then crawled into bed and slept like a ROCK.

This morning was nice. Slow moving and ...just nice. I have moved many times. I love each home, but this makes it difficult for me to capture that nostalgic feeling people my age get when they go back home to their old rooms for the holidays. But I like it here and I have the feeling the feeling I have this morning is the closest I'll get to missing the "good 'ol days" at "home".
my mother, the adorable, was getting dressed for the day when I realized she was wearing these cute black lace socks.. if you can call them that? With these little lace up Maryjanes.. ummm like I said she is adorable! Also I really want some of these socks now.. they are sexin' up the sock image!

Bloggers, and friends meet Gwen. She is the mamba look alike at Elle's house. I love her! She is so sweet and so soft. Oh Gwennie.. how I wish to snuggle you in this cold cold weather.
Yeah about that. This cold cold weather! I woke up this morning perched on the edge of Elles bed, make up done and still in my pjs watching the famously wonderful gay local weather man. He was looking dashing and in now way had the same facial expression I did when he proudly, and dare I say gleefully announced,  "It's 28 out side and there was a frost last night!"  Ummm pardon me. My Az ears didn't hear you correctly... 28!
People lets talk packing.

1. I am cheap... nay picky on what I will pay for at the airport. Extra baggage isn't one of them.. nor is a ten dollar slice of pizza (*cough cough* California Pizza Kitchen!)
2. Arizona has been a buzz with the "cold" temps its sporting. We all are guilty of wearing gloves in the chilly morning air, where we "Can see my own breath! Look.. hhhhhhaaaaaaaaa". But as I stepped off the first plane in Salt Lake City to a snow patched bridge I realized.. silly silly Arizona.. we just really don't know do we.
2. I have one coat. I had two.. one was stolen in a Black Friday crime wave that apparently only hit me. So one. Its warm..but its more cute than it is warm. So I opted for the warmest sweater I had and long sleeves and jeans. OH! and flats! lol that's the funniest of my choices for this trip.. yeah walk on ice in flats that's an awesome idea! sheesh.
3. I had to fit warm, and therefor bulky clothes into a small carry on along with shoes, gifts, and scarfs. My carry on was bulging peeps, and that's no innuendo.

In anycase. It is a wintery little wonderland up here! I am soaking all of it in with fall leaves littering the streets yellow and red. And little frosty leaves, branches, grass feilds, and yes windshields. It's all so sparkley. The best part was when we crossed a river to on the way into work, and had a view of all the mist riseing off of the water as the sun peeked over the snow caped mountains. pretty.

I am proud to announce I did spell my name in the grass with my feet as I (like a child) shuffled my feet through the frost, and stopped at this image. It reminds me so much of Fantasia when the little fairies come along and turn everything to a winter shine..

*lol Ok this is way off topic. But I google searched "Fantaisia disney leaf" and this picture was the first to pop up lol wtf?

More pictures to come!! Are you going home for the holidays?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Light! Camera!

Gooooooood Tuesday afternoon to ya'll!
 this is my Charlie Brown like string of lights in the little window I peer out of :)
if you look really hard you can see Mamba peeking her head out to see what in blazes I am doing in the yard at night lol.
The window (as lovely and festive as it is) is blocked by a giant tree who's branches are a tad over grown. Therefore, almost no one can see the lights clearly through them as they pass lol.


 This is my show off neighbors  house. Their also have a large tree but I loved how they decorated it with long willowy like lights that sway in the breeze and light up the yard. So pretty. I cant decide where I stand on deer in the yard look...?

Folks who got it right via google searches

So beautiful!

Love these! its what I imagin when Buddy the Elf explains how he came to New York"Through the twrily swirly..."

I really like this look but I also love color!

lol But woow dang people lol


Enjoy your day ladies! I will be packing for my trip tonight, and eating the cookies I plan to bring home from work YUMM!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dress up

On Saturday (as listed in posts past) My sister and I went to get our picture taken with Santa!
 Sure yeah, it was for the dog Marley as well. But it gave me a chance to put my fake eye lash applying skills to good use, and I decided to straighten her hair, and do her make up while I was at it. in short my sister was my doll and we played dress up the rest of the day lol. Good girlie fun.

She and the Clause looking cozy. His beard was legit so that was a bonus for us. But any cool points she and I had when we walked in soared out the door as soon as the woman with the camera told us to stop watching the lady with the squeaky toy for Marley lol. Oops!
After the pictures we went to the park that is behind the library. It's more of a reserve then a park with rolling grassy hills to roll down. There are plenty of ducks, and trails with benches along the way to sit and ponder at the lakes edge.

The fall leaves were sooo beautiful! I couldn't get enough or look away
One of the plants in the park gave off little dandelion like fuzz that floated and drifted over headed in the breeze and covered the grounds like a light fog, or snow fall. I wished I could be Thumbalina sized to play in it..

Getting Marley to hold still and take a photo is as easy as trying to get open a jar of pickles. You keep trying because you know its been done before.. but how??
Apparently, the motionless, still dirt below was much more fascinating to her then all Amanda's efforts behind the camera to just look up!
For the rest of the weekend I relaxed with friends, a few parties and attempted sugar cookies.
It was a half assed attempt I'll give you that. I was so tired at the store I cold recall if I had food coloring? I couldn't care too much and just bought white and called it a day.

mmmm don't you just want to eat that out of the jar? Or is that just me and my large thighs dreaming recalling my Sunday night out loud lol. The  cookies came out more like Sugar Chips! Then Sugar Cookies, but I made the last few thicker and yummier. They are beige cookies, with white frosting lol I left the unfrosted since storing frosted sugar chips seemed messy, and difficult for my tired mind to wrap around. So they sit on the counter as such.
It's frost as you go people line up!

Hope you all had fun weekends, filled with little Santa's helper secrets as Christmas gets closer and closer!