Day Six Asks: Five People Who Mean A Lot To You...
I could easily go through and list each one of my brothers and sisters to fill these spots, but I feel like I'd be leaving others out I want to mention...
1. My mom. ok ok I know what I just said about family. But she is truly such an important person in my life. She introduces so much good and inspiration to me, and to everyone she knows. She has taken a gaggle of children and given us everything she has, continually encouraged our individual dreams, and hopes. And has been such a great example of how to love. She is important to me because she is never judges, and is there to listen, talk, or lend a hand.
Blues Bar Phx, Az
Christmas with Peter Chico, Ca
Saying good bye to me Gilbert, Az
With Grandpa San Marcos, Ca
In the drive way with Bobby and Amanda San Marcos, Ca
2. When I first moved into our house on Johnson Drive I met Lisa and Katie the twins next door. We have been like sisters ever since. It is going on 15 years of friendship! We have been through so many things together and have come so far. I shared every story and thought with them through crushes, moves, new kid jitters, first loves, deaths, graduations, summer visits, roommates, pets, boyfriends, children, just about anything you can think of. Katie you are tough as nails, and the sweetest and caring friend a girl could have! After 15 years I think we can take on pretty much anything, so "bring it son!"
DBacks Game Phx, Az
Girls Night In Gilbert, Az

Movie Night Tempe, Az
3. I just so happen to be one of the luckiest girls out there because I have one thing that most people don't have. A hilarious, wonderful, Irish Grandpa. My mom was a single mom, and could pull it off well. But there are some things a girl just can't do alone.. like an add on to the house. This is when my grandparents would come down and help. They would arrive in their giant Buick with a box of assorted salty snacks for Grandpa and Gin for happy hour. My grandma would help my mom clean, cook, bake, and take care of us while I had the special task of helping grandpa with whatever he was fixing. This meant I usually helped by filling his water with fresh ice, handing him tools, and holding the measuring tape in place when needed. The quality time I spent was great. He taught each of us odd games, funny songs (Oh My Darin' Clementine), and were subject to a random spelling, or geographical quiz at ANY time. He remains to be loyal and sweet. I am glad that I am welcome into his home. And that he never gets tired of pulling out the family photos of he and grandma whenever one of us visits.

St. Patricks' Day San Diego, Ca
San Marcos, Ca
4. Even if you get along with someone and are friends, you really know how much you like them after a trip. After Ari and I went to New York, we spent non stop time together including long air port wait times, flights, cabs, trains, subway rides, and hurt feet. To say we had a great time is putting it mildly. We went to Broadway shows, walked around gorgeous shops, and historical parks. But we didn't really plan anything special to make it fun. It was all the ridiculous jokes (that haven't stopped since), getting lost, and pretty much laughing the entire time at one another and the high we got from sneaking into the Four Seasons bar, and being mistaken for locals that made it fun. She made it fun. We have had a blast ever since too. She just fits right into my family without any effort. We all love her and she loves all of us, which makes all the Girls Nights that much more fun! She has been such an amazing support to me no matter what it is I need. Whether it is sharing her blog editing secrets or dropping everything when I call crying and arriving with chocolate. A true NSLP ;)

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, NY
Warrens Jazz Club with my sisters Gilbert, Az
5. I don' talk much about the massage part of my life on here, but when I went to my first class I knew it would be important part of me. Jody was the first teacher I had in the first class I took. It was on communication. I have been talking, and haven't stopped since I was a small child. I thought I had this class in the bag. I did not. It isn't that I did poorly, but Jody showed me a different way to listen and to communicate. She also became my Cranial teacher. She shared so many amazing stories about the children she worked on and the clients she has had sessions with that blew me away. Jody is extremely important to me because of the way she continues to influence the way I am a practitioner. Because of privacy issues I can't share too many details or many examples of her work. But when she worked with me she continued to be patient, and open to what I needed. She is a great teacher, and an honest woman. She never taught with ego, and taught us to practice the same. Something that's key to any practitioner. She taught me that I am not crazy, and actually have a gift. It is something I can do well, and she continues to support me to do so for a living.
Here are some pictures of the fam so they feel the love :)
My brother Brother Peter Corpus Christi, Tx
My sister Mary Grace Hollywood, Ca
My oldest brother Bobby and his son Forrest Chico, Ca
My sister Amanda and sister in law Alicia Chico, Ca
My sister Amanda and I Scottsdale, Az
Amanda and I at Girls Night Gilbert, Az
Brother Bobby and Forrest Chico, Ca
Amanda and I at wine tasting Phx, Az
My Brother Peter in a nut shell somewhere in Austria